
new show, old song.

Two things. One: We have a show coming up at the Earl January 19, along with our good friends Luigi and a band called Drug Rug. Should be a great show. In fact, we were so excited about it that we asked our friend Harrison Keys to design a poster; thus the strange and excellent image to the left (Harrison works freehand, so there's no digital image of the piece). It should currently be on display in a grimy window near you. And, if we get it done in time, there'll be an exclusive Luigi/Jupiter Watts t-shirt available at the show, also designed by the illustrious Mr. Keys.

Two: We came across a recording yesterday that seemed like it had to be released upon the world immediately (assuming the world has about ten minutes to kill). Recorded back in October in much the same manner as the tune in the previous post, this was the result of some particularly inspired-yet-restrained drone-jammery. It doesn't really have a name, and we'll never play it again, but here it is:

Arp A 10-6-07

1 comment:

Chad_Radford said...

That's a pretty cool flier...